One of the worst days revisited…

This toothache is killing me head.

Another round of antibiotics are killing my gut.

My landowner sent me an SMS “Increase the rent payment 100% or get out”

I feel so alone today. I cannot fix anything.

Published by

Alex - Project Lady

35 year old woman who has hit the rock bottom tryin to get up again and reach her 35 dreams I am a psychologist who suffers from major depression and severe fibromyalgia. It was all about career to me. But today, I have no job, no husband, no kids. Alone. And, I want to change my fucking life.

9 thoughts on “One of the worst days revisited…”

  1. It truly comes like a tidal wave. You are not alone (virtually, especially) please let us help you be your strength.
    Question though…does he mean you have to pay your rent in full or he is doubling your rent? I am assuming the former but am compelled to ask.

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  2. Hugs sweetie. Don’t let these small things put you back where you were. Remember chin up, smile, you are one tough cookie and you’re going to handle all that life can throw at you. Bring back out the pretty colors and put away the black & gray!

    Liked by 1 person

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